Everyday Life

Few aspects of Brighton life were left unaffacted by the war. With rationing in place and fundraising efforts by the government, the presennce of war cast a shadow on everyday activities.

Kemp Town Odeon cinema in St George's Road Brighton.
Crowd outside a church during the Second World War.
Photograph of The Brighton Warship Effort, taken at the Royal Pavilion, 4 July 1942.
Royal Canadian Regiment at the Royal Pavilion
Ration Book
H.M.S. Lizard Special Menu for Xmas Day, 1944
The Clock Tower in North Street during the Second World War
Pigs on display at the Kitchen Waste Campaign at the Royal Pavilion, 11 July 1942
People queuing for bread outside Cowley's Bakery Dyke Road during the Second World War.
Happy Birthday Miss Davey aged 108 on 8 June 1940!