Beach Obstetricals Along the Seafront West of Palace Pier.
King’s Road During the Later Part of the Second World War
King’s Road During the Later Part of the Second World War
Repairing the West Pier, 22 September 1945
Repairing the West Pier, 22 September 1945.
Palace Pier Brighton, 7 April 1945
Palace Pier Brighton, 7 April 1945.
Connecting bridge to the ‘Birdcage’ bandstand on the King’s Road covered in barbed wire
Connecting bridge to the ‘Birdcage’ bandstand on the King’s Road covered in barbed wire.
The view of the beach and West Pier during the Second World War
The view of the beach and West Pier during the Second World War.
Sandbags to protect the front of Brighton Aquarium, 2 September 1939
Sandbags to protect the front of Brighton Aquarium, 2 September 1939.
Lewis machine gun at the Palace Pier in Brighton, c1940
Lewis machine gun at the Palace Pier in Brighton, c1940
Hove beach with anti-invasion beach obstacles
Hove beach with anti-invasion beach obstacles.
A bus negotiating a roadblock, 15 June 1940
A bus negotiating a roadblock, 15 June 1940